Weekly Activities

A study of the limit closure of parameter ideals in local rings
Speaker: Pham Hung Quy

Time: 9h00, Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Location: Room 6, Building A14, Institute of Mathematics, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi

Abstract: Our research is motivated by the Hochster monomial conjecture. We shall discuss the limit closure of parameter ideals in the following:

  1. The center of limit closure.
  2. The growth of the co-length function of limit closure.
  3. Give an explicit the limit closure when the ring admits a Macaulayfication.
  4. Limit closure in characteristic $p$.
  5. Some open questions are raised.

This talk is based on a joint work with M. Morales, a partial of a joint work with N.T. Cuong and some on my notes.
