December 2015

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
The characteristic vector exponent of the solution of the differential algebraic equations
Speaker: Ta Duy Phuong

Seminar on Algebra Groups
Căn lũy đơn của một nhóm đại số
Speaker: Nguyen Chu Gia Vuong

Seminar on Computational Geometry
On Chen and Han’s algorithm for finding the shortest paths on polyhedral surfaces
Speaker: Nguyen Thi My Hanh

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Không gian đối ngẫu và định lý Hahn-Banach
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Thị Vinh

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
Matroid intersection algorithms
Speaker: Nguyen Minh Tung

Seminar on Computational Geometry
A Short Introduction to the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL)
Speaker: Le Hong Trang

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Some Hasse principles for algebraic groups
Speaker: Ngo Thi Ngoan

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Classification of the asymptotic behavior of a stochastic SIR epidemic model
Speaker: Nguyen Thanh Dieu

Workshop on discrete mathematics
Tuan Chau, December 11-13, 2015

Seminar on Analysis
Recovering a polynomial from its Julia set
Speaker: Dang Vu Giang

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Gabor frames
Speaker: Nguyen Quynh Nga

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
Leavitt path algebras have cancellation of projective modules
Speaker: Tran Giang Nam

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Độ đo Lebesgue trên không gian Euclid hữu hạn chiều
Người báo cáo: Vũ Xuân Trường

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
An Epidemiology Model on a Network
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Doanh

Seminar on Algebra Groups
Hệ nghiệm
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Chu Gia Vượng

Seminar on Differential Equations
The complex Monge-Ampere Equations (cont.)
Speaker: Pham Hoang Hiep

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Some types of algorithms for constructing optimal designs of experiments
Speaker: Nguyen Ky Nam

Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory
The p-Laplacian and rigidity of Riemannian manifolds
Speaker: Nguyen Thac Dung

Seminar of Center for Graduate Training
Toán tử compac trên không gian Hilbert
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Thị Vinh

Seminar on Geometry and Topology
Common dicritical of Jacobian Pairs
Speaker: Ignacio Luengo Velasco

Seminar on Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
An Epidemiology Model on a Network (Part 2)
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Doanh

Seminar on Algebra Groups
Phân tích Bruhat
Speaker: Nguyen Chu Gia Vuong

Seminar on Differential Equations
The complex Monge-Ampere Equations (cont.)
Speaker: Pham Hoang Hiep

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Shortest paths and their properties in low dimensions
Speaker: Phong Thi Thu Huyen

November 2015

The 3rd Franco - Japanese - Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities
Ha Noi, November 30 - December 4, 2015

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