Speaker: Agustin Romano (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Time: 9:30 - 11h00, 28th March
Venue: Room 507, A6, Institute of Mathematics
Abstract: From the work of Jones and Westbury, for normal surface singularities with homology sphere link, we can construct elements in the algebraic K-theory of complex numbers. In the case of Du Val singularities, the only singularity with link a homological sphere is E_8, so we cannot use their results for all Du Val singularities. In this talk, we will generalize the Jones and Westbury construction to the case of singularities with link a homology rational sphere. Furthermore, we will see that both constructions coincide in the case of the E_8 singularity, and we prove that these algebraic K-theory elements recover the spectrum of all Du Val singularities.