Sublinearly Morse Boundary of Croke-Kleiner admissible groups.
Người báo cáo: Nguyễn Thanh Hoàng (Trường Đại học sư phạm Đà Nẵng)

Thời gian: 9h00, thứ năm, ngày 23/06/2022.

Hình thức: Trực tiếp, phòng 304, nhà A5.

Tóm tắt: Sublinearly Morse boundaries are recently constructed for all finitely generated groups. It is a metrizable topological space that is a group invariant. Similar to the Gromov boundary of hyperbolic spaces, sublinearly Morse boundaries are particularly illuminating in revealing features of groups that contain hyperbolic-like features. One of these features centers around asymptotic behavior of random walk on the associated groups. In several important classes of groups, such right-angled Artin groups, relative hyperbolic groups, and the mapping class groups of surfaces of finite type, an appropriately chosen sublinear function yields a sublinearly Morse boundary that serves as a topological model for the Poisson boundaries(with mild assumptions) of the group.

In this talk we continue to prove the connection between a geometric boundary and random walk boundary for a new class of groups: Croke-Kleiner admissible groups. This is a joint work with Yulan Qing.
