A note on pseudoconvex hypersurfaces of infinite type in $\mathbb C^n$
Speaker: Ninh Van Thu

Time: 9h00,Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Room semina 6 Flor, Building A6, Institute of Mathematics, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi
The purpose of this talk is twofold. The first one is to prove that there exists a smooth pseudoconvex real hypersurface germ $(M,p)$ of D'Angelo infinite type in $\mathbb C^{n+1}$ such that it does not admit any (singular) holomorphic curve in $\mathbb C^{n+1}$ tangent to $M$ at $p$ to infinite order. The second one is to show that there exists a smooth pseudoconvex real hypersurface germ $(\widetilde M, p)$ of Bloom-Graham infinite type in $\mathbb C^{n+1}$ that does not admit any (singular) holomorphic curve in $\mathbb C^{n+1}$ tangent to $M$ at $p$ to infinite order. This is a joint work with Professor John Erik Fornaess.


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