Shalika germs for Kloosterman integrals and applications
Speaker: Đỗ Việt Cường (VNU University of Science in Hanoi)

Time: Tuesday, June 4, from 2pm to 4pm (Hanoi time).

Venue: We will meet offline (at Room 301, Building A5, Institute of Mathematics), combined with zoom.

Abstract: Let $G=mathrm{GL}_n(mathbb{Q}_p)$. Due to Harish-Chandra, we know that the trace distribution associated with an irreducible admissible representation of $G$ is given by a locally integrable function. This function is the character of the representation and such distributions appear in the trace formula of $G$. We believe that the similar situation arises in the relative trace formula where Bessel distributions replace the trace distributions. In this talk, we will introduce the theory of (relative) Shalika germs established by Jacquet and Ye and used it to show that the Bessel distribution on $G$ behaves similarly to the trace distribution.
