- Nguyen To Nhu, Remarks on measurable function spaces. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 85 - 92.
- Vu Kim Tuan, S. B. Yakubovich, The Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transformation in a new class of functions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 29 (1985), 11 - 14; English transl.: Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 137(1987), 61 - 65.
- Nguyen Huy Viet, Fixed point theorems for random operators of contraction type without hypotheses of continuity. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 79 - 86.
- Nguyen Dong Yen, Implicit function theorems for set-valued maps. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 17 - 28.
- Nguyen Khac Viet, The minimal model of the Fermat curve. In: Proc. of the All-Union XIX Conference on Algebra, Lvov, September 1987, Part II, 97 - 102 (in Russian).
- Tran Duc Van, The differential operators of infinite order : theory and applications. Tạp chí Toán học 14 (1987), 1 - 18 (in Vietnamese).
- K. G. Subramanian, Do Van Long, Rani Siromoney, On ambiguity of DTOL-systems. In: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 287 (1987), 3 - 14.
- Hoang Tuy, An implicit space covering method with applications to fixed point and global optimization problems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12:2 (1987), 162 - 170.
- Hoang Tuy, V. Khatchaturov & S. Utkin, A class of exhaustive cone splitting procedures in conical algorithms for concave minimization. Optimization 18 (1987), 791 - 807.
- Hoang Tuy, Convex programs with an additional reverse convex constraint. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 52 (1987), 463 - 486.
- Hoang Tuy, A note on the out-of-kilter algorithm for solving the minimum-cost flow problem. Industrial Engineering J. 16:4 (1987), 20 - 37.
- Hoang Tuy, Global minimization of a difference of two convex functions. Math. Programming Study 30 (1987), 150 - 182.
- Vu Kim Tuan, Integral transforms and their composition structure. Dr. Sc. Thesis, Belorussian State University, Minsk, 1987, 275 p. (in Russian).
- Vu Kim Tuan, O. I. Marichev, Fractional integrals and derivatives as integral transforms. In: Fractional Integrals and Derivatives. Theory and Applications, Nauka i Teknika, Minsk, 1987, 511-529; Translated by Gordon and Breach, 1993, 703 - 730.
- Vu Kim Tuan, S. B. Yakubovich, O. I. Marichev and S. L. Kalla, A class of index integral transforms. Rev. Tecn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia, Edicion Especial 10 (1987), 105 - 118.
- Vu Kim Tuan, S. L. Kalla, Some transformations and integral representations of Horn's functions. Rev. Tecn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia, Edicion Especial 10 (1987), 81 - 94.
- Vu Kim Tuan, G. V. Grinkevich, Solvability of a certain class of two-dimensional integral equations of Abel type. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 31 (1987), 589 - 592 (in Russian).
- Vu Kim Tuan, Application of representation of groups to the calculation of some multiple integrals that contain the Tricomi function. Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR Ser. Fiz. Mat. Navuk 3 (1987), 36 - 40 (in Russian).
- Tran Manh Tuan, V. N. Cu and N. V. Thieu, Collection of computer programs with application in transport (in Vietnamese). NXB Giao thông vận tải Hanoi, 1987, 192 trang
- Ngo Viet Trung, G. Valla, On degree bounds for the defining equations of arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay and Buchsbaum varieties. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 113 - 122.
- Ngo Viet Trung, Reduction exponent and degree bounds for the defining equations of graded rings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 101 (1987), 229 - 236.
- Nguyen Minh Tri, On the asymptotics of double eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for boundary value problems in a domain with a small hole. Vestnik M. S. U. 4 (1987), 17 - 21, (in Russian).
- Nguyen Van Thoai, On canonical d.c. programs and applications. In: "Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems", Hanoi, 1987, 88 - 100
- R. Horst, Nguyen Van Thoai, Hoang Tuy, Outer approximation by polyhedral convex sets. O.R. Spektrum 9 (1987), 153 - 159.
- Tran Vu Thieu, Bui The Tam, Algorithms and standard programs for programming and mathematical statistic used in economic management (in Vietnamese). NXB Khoa học và Kĩ thuật, Hanoi, 1987, 190 trang.
- Tran Vu Thieu, Solving the lay-out planning problem with concave cost. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems. Inst. of Math. Hanoi 1987, 101 - 110.
- Tran Vu Thieu, Improved algorithm for solving a class of concave minimization problems. In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Math. Optimization-Theory and Application. Eisenach No 6-20, 1987, 185 - 188.
- Le Van Thiem, In profound memory of Professor Ta Quang Buu. Tap chi Toan hoc 15 (1987), 1 - 2 (in Vietnamese).
- Nguyẽn Văn Khuê and Lê Văn Thành, On the invariance of p-convexity and hyperconvexity under the finite holomorphic surjection. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1987), 47 - 54.
- Hoang Tuy, Phan Thien Thach, Global optimization under Lipshitzian constraints. Japan J. Appl. Math. 4 (1987), 205 - 217.
- Nguyen Xuan Tan, Einige Beitrọge zur Bifurkationstheorie. Dr. Sc. Thesis, Berlin, 1987.
- Nguyen Xuan Tan, An analytical approach to bifurcation problems with applications to partial differential equations. Math. Nachr. 131 (1987), 251 - 285.
- Ngô Đắc Tân, R. I. Tyshkevich, A generalization of Babai's lemma on Cayley graphs. Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk 4 (1987), 29 - 32 (in Russian).
- Do Hong Tan, On a fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii type. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems Hanoi, 1987, 17 - 28.
- Do Hong Tan, Two fixed point theorems of Krasnoselskii type. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 32 (1987), 397 - 400.
- Phạm Hữu Sách, Vector optimization for convex set-valued systems. Izvestia Acad. Sci. USSR, Tehniceskaia Kibernetika 1987, N0 6, 45 - 56 (in Russian).
- Ho Dang Phuc, Semi-attraction domains of semistable laws on topological vector spaces. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 39 - 50.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Methode der Bereichsanalyse und Methode der Orientierungskurven zur Losung von Aufgaben Optimaler Steuerung mit Zustandsbeschrọnkungen. Habilitations-schrift, Leipzig, 1987.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, On optimal control of a hydroelectric power plant. Systems Control Lett. 8 (1987), 281 - 288.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, A method for solving a class of optimal control problems which are linear in the control variable. Systems Control Lett. 8 (1987), 273 - 280.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Some necesssary conditions for optimality for a class of optimal control problems which are linear in the control variable. Systems Control Lett. 8 (1987), 261 - 271.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Ein konstruktives losungsverfahren fur das problem des inpolygons kleinsten umfangs von J. Steiner. Optimization 18 (1987), 349 - 359.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Zur Losung eines Zermeloschen Navigationsproblems. Optimization 18 (1987), 225 - 236.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Zur Losung einer regularen Aufgabenklasse der optimalen Steuerung im Großen mittels Orientierungskurven. Optimization 18 (1987), 65 - 81.
- Hoang Xuan Phu, Zur Losung des Knickstab-Problems mit beschrankter Ausbiegung. Z. Anal. Anwendungen 6 (1987), No 4, 371 - 384.
- Vu Quoc Phong, Theory of almost periodic actions of topological semigroups and its applications. Dr. Sc. Thesis, Kiev, 1987, 257 p. (in Russian).
- Vu Quoc Phong, Ju. Y. Ljubich, A spectral criterion for almost periodicity of one-parameters semigroups. Teor. Funktsii Funkstional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 47 (1987), 36 - 41 (in Russian).
- Vu Quoc Phong, Representations compactifiantes de semigroupes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 305 (1987), 273 - 274.
- Vu Quoc Phong, Dissipative semigroup actions with precompact orbits. In: Proc. of Conference on Ergodic Theory and Related Topics II, Georgenthal, 1986, Tuebner-Texte zur Math., 94 (1987), pp. 201 - 206.
- Nguyen To Nhu, Some applications of the construction of Menger curve to the geometric measure theory. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 1987, 36 - 42.
Nguyen Si Minh
, Singularity of Cauchy problems. Ph. D. Thesis, Belorussian State University, Minsk, 1987, 92 p., (in Russian). - Do Van Luu, An approach to sufficient optimality conditions in mathematical programming. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 1987, 60 - 72.
- Do Van Luu, On sufficient optimality conditions under constraints. Tạp chí Toán học 15 (1987), No 1, 3 - 8 (in Vietnamese).
- Ngo Van Luoc, G. F. Mandjavidze, The problem V of generalized analytic vectors. Bull. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR 128 (1987), 265 - 268, (in Russian).
- Dinh The Luc, A closedness theorem for nonconvex sets. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 1987, 29 - 35.
- Dinh The Luc, Convexity and closedness with respect to cones. Optimization 18 (1987), 785 - 789.
- Dinh The Luc, Connectedness of the efficient point sets in quasiconcave maximization. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 55 (1987), 85 - 102.
- Dinh The Luc, Scalarization of vector optimization problems. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 55 (1987), 346 - 354.
- Dinh The Luc, About duality and alternative in multiobjective optimization. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 53 (1987), 303 - 307.
- Phan Huy Khai, The method of pursuit in linear discrete games with many players, I. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 73 - 92 (in Russian).
- Phan Huy Khai, Dau Si Dai, The problems of pursuit in linear discrete games with many players and integral constraints on controls. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 17 - 40 (in Russian).
- Dinh Nho Hao, Approximating an optimal control problem of quantum processes by the finite element method. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 135 - 146.
- Trương Xuân Đức Hà, The Sard's theorem for a class of locally Lipschitz mappings. Sem. Convex Anal. Montpellier 9 (1987), 1 - 14.
- Pham Canh Duong, Finding the global extremum of a polynomial function. In: Essays on nonlinear analysis and optimization problems, 111 - 120, Nat. Center Sci. Res., Inst. Math., Hanoi, 1987.
- Hoang Dinh Dung, On the inversion formulas for the integral representation of $e^{\lambda x}$-analytic functions and their application. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 3 - 15.
- Hoang Dinh Dung, Oseen plane flow of viscous fluid around the obstacles. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 73 - 78.
- Do Ngoc Diep, On the Langlands type discrete groups I. The Borel-Serre compactification. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 41 - 54.
- Phạm Hữu Sách, Phạm Huy Điển, Contingent cone to the solution set of an inclusion system and optimization problems involving set-valued maps, In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Hanoi -1987, 43 - 59.
- Bui Khoi Dam, On the convergence of armats in Orlicz spaces. Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eotvos, Sect. Math. 30 (1987), 231 - 239.
- Phan Van Chuong, A density result with application in relaxation of nonconvex differential equations. J. Math. Analysis Appl 124 (1987), 1 - 14.
- Ha Huy Bang, Some problems of the theory of functional spaces of infinite order. Ph. D. Thesis, Hanoi Inst. Math., 1987, 115 p. (in Vietnamese).
- Ha Huy Bang, Ju. F. Korobeinik, On a generalization of the Polya theorem. Mat. Anal. i Prilozen, 19, Izdat. Rostov-on-Don, 1987, 37 - 46 (in Russian).
- Ha Huy Bang, On the applicability for differential operators of infinite order, Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 67 - 73 (in Russian).
Publications 1987
20/12/24, Colloquium Lecture: New matrix perturbation bounds via “skewness”: theory and applications. |
06/01/25, Conference: The 3rd Vietnam - Korea joint workshop on selected topics in mathematics |
06/01/25, Conference: Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions |