Doan Trung Cuong

Associate Professor, Doctor

Department of Algebra
Research interests: Commutative algebra, Algebraic geometry, Algebraic number theory

Office: Building A5, Room 203
Tel: +84 24 37563474 / 203
Email: dtcuong AT

Born in:  Hải Phòng

Education and academic degrees:

  • University: 2003 - B. Sc., the Honor Program, University of Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
  • Ph.D.:  2007 - Ph. D., University of Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Advisor: Prof. Nguyễn Tự Cường)


  • 2018: Deputy Director
  • 2003-present: Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, VAST, Hanoi.
  • 2007-2010: Postdoc fellow at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
  • 2012-2014: Postdoc fellow at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi.
  • 2013 – present: Member of the Vietnam Mathematical Society.

Research areas:

  • Algebraic geometry
  • Commutative algebr
  • Algebraic number theory


List of publications in MathSciNet

List of recent publications
1Doan Trung Cuong, Phạm Hồng Nam, Lê Thanh Nhàn, On almost p-standard system of parameters of idealization and applications. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 107540, 17 pp, (SCI-E, Scopus).
2Doan Trung Cuong, Sijong Kwak, Componentwise linearity of projective varieties with almost maximal degree, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225 (2021), 106672, (SCI-E, Scopus).
3Doan Trung Cuong, Phạm Hồng Nam, On a family of cohomological degrees, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. 57 (2020), no. 3, 669–689, SCI(-E0, Scopus.
4Doan Trung Cuong, Sijong Kwak, The reduction number and degree bound of projective subschemes, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373 (2020), 1153-1180, SCI(-E), Scopus.
5Doan Trung Cuong, The maximal dimension of formal fibers of local rings of an algebraic scheme of finite type, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 18 (2019) 1950120 (15 pages), SCI(-E); Scopus.
6Doan Trung Cuong, P.H. Nam, P.H. Quy, On the Length Function of Saturations of Ideal Powers, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 43 (2018), 275-288, Scopus.
7Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, Local Cohomology Annihilators and Macaulayfication, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 42 (2017),pp 37–60, (Scopus).
8Doan Trung Cuong, Phạm Hồng Nam, Hilbert coefficients and partial Euler–Poincaré characteristics of Koszul complexes of d-sequences, Journal of Algebra, 441 (2015), 125–158, SCI(-E); Scopus.
9Doan Trung Cuong, Fibers of flat morphisms and Weierstrass preparation theorem. Journal of Algebra 411 (2014), 337–355, SCI(-E), Scopus.
10Doan Trung Cuong, Local rings with zero-dimensional formal fibers. Journal of Algebra 403 (2014), 76–92, SCI(-E); Scopus.
11Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, Hoang Le Truong, On a new invariant of finitely generated modules over local rings, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 9 (2010), 959 -- 976, preprint arXiv:1003.3972, SCI(-E); Scopus.
12Doan Trung Cuong, Hodge cohomology of étale Nori finite vector bundles,  Int. Math. Res. Not., No, 2 (2010), 320 -- 333.
13Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, On sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules, Kodai Math. J. 30 (2007),  409 - 428, preprint arXiv:math/0507202.
14Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, dd-sequences and partial Euler-Poincare characteristics of Koszul complex. J. Algebra Appl. 6 (2007),  207 - 231, preprint arXiv:math/0507200.
15Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, On the structure of sequentially generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules, J. Algebra 317 (2007),  714 - 742, preprint arXiv:math/0701729.
16Nguyen Tu Cuong, Doan Trung Cuong, dd-sequences and partial Euler-Poincaré characteristics of Koszul complex, Vietnam J. Math. 31 (2003), N0 3, 353 - 358.