Do Van Luu

Associate member

Cộng tác viên
Research interests: Điều kiện tối ưu và ổn định nghiệm của bài toán tối ưu đa mục tiêu không trơn và bài toán cân bằng vectơ không trơn

Email: dvluu AT

Born in Hung Yen, Vietnam in 1944

Education and academic degrees:

  • 1968: Graduate
  • 1980: PhD
  • 1991: Associate Professor
  • 2000: Senior Researcher



  • Associate Professor PhD
  • Senior Researcher

Research areas:


  • Multiobjective Optimization
  • Vector Equilibrium Problems
  • Vector Variational Inequalities
  • Nonsmooth Analysis




List of publications in MathSciNet

List of recent publications
1Do Van Luu, Nguyen Lam Tung, Nonsmooth multiobjective fractional programming and second-order optimality conditions for weak efficiency, Journal of Convex Analysis 31 (2024), No. 3, 947--958, (SCI-E, Scopus).
2Tran Van Su , Do Van Luu, Second-order optimality conditions for strict Pareto minima and weak efficiency for nonsmooth constrained vector equilibrium problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 43 (2023), 1732-1759, (SCI-E, Scopus).
3Do Van Luu, Second-order optimality conditions for nonsmooth nultiobjective optimization problems, Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization, 4 (2022), 41-54.
4Do Van Luu, Pham Thi Linh, Optimality and duality for weak quasi-efficiency of multiobjective fractional problems via convexificarors, Minimax Theory and its Applications, 7 (2022),57-78, (ESCI).
5Tran Van Su, Do Van Luu, Higher-order efficiency conditions for constrained vector equilibrium problems, Optimization 71 (2022), 2613-2642, (SCI-E, Scopus.
6Tran Van Su, Do Van Luu, Higher-order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality condit for Borwein properly efficient solutions of multiobjectine semi-infinite programming, Optimization 71 (2022), 1749-1775, (SCI-E, Scopus).
7Do Van Luu, Tran Van Su, Nguyen Cong Dieu, Second-order efficiency conditions for vector equilibrium problems with constraints via contingent epiderivatives, Journal of Convex Analysis 28 (2021), 3, 903--926, SCI-E, Scopus.
8Do Van Luu, Necessary efficiency conditions for vector equilibrium problems with general inequality constraints via convexificators, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 50 (2019),685-704, SCI(-E), Scopus.
9Do Van Luu, Tran Thi Mai, On optimality conditions for Henig efficiency and superefficiency in vector equilibrium problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 39 (2018), 1833-1854, SCI(-E), Scopus.
10Do Van Luu, Tran Thi Mai, Optimality and duality in constrained interval-valued optimization, 4OR, 116 (2018), pp 311–337, SCI(-E), Scopus.
11Do Van Luu, Second-order necessary efficiency conditions for nonsmooth vector equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 70 (2018), pp 437–453, SCI(-E); Scopus.
12Nguyen Lam Tung, Do Van Luu, Optimality conditions for nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems with general inequality constraints, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2018 (2018), pp. 1-15.
13Do Van Luu, Tran Thi Mai, Optimality conditions for Henig efficient and superefficient solutions of vector equilibrium problems, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2018 (2018), Article ID 18, pp. 1-18.
14Do Van Luu, Optimality condition for local efficient solutions of vector equilibrium problems via convexificators and applications, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 171 (2016), 643-665,SCI(-E); Scopus.
15Do Van Luu, Dinh Dieu Hang, On Efficiency Conditions for Nonsmooth Vector Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 36 (2015), 1622-1642, SCI(-E); Scopus.
16Do Van Luu, Dinh Dieu Hang, Efficient solutions and optimality conditions for vector equilibrium problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 79 (2014), 163 - 177, SCI(-E), Scopus.
17Do Van Luu, Dinh Dieu Hang, On optimality conditions for vector variational inequalities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412 (2014), 792 - 804, SCI(-E), Scopus.
18Do Van Luu, Necessary and sufficient conditions for efficiency via convexificators.  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 160 (2014), 510 - 526, SCI(-E), Scopus.
19Do Van Luu, Convexificators and necessary conditions for efficiency. Optimization, 63 (2014), 321 - 335, SCI(-E), Scopus.
20Do Van Luu, Higher-order efficiency conditions via higher-order tangent cones. Numercial Functional Analysis and Optimization, 35 (2014), 685 - 707, SCI(-E), Scopus.
21Do Van Luu, Necessary conditions for efficiency in terms of the Michel-Penot subdifferentials. Optimization,  61 (2012),  1099 - 1117, SCI(-E); Scopus.
22Do Van Luu, Higher-order optimality conditions in nonsmooth cone-constrained multiobjective programming, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 15 (2010), 381 - 393, Scopus.
23Do Van Luu, On constraint qualifications and optimality conditions in locally Lipschitz multiobjective programming problems. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 14 (2009), 81 - 97.
24Do Van Luu, Nguyen Manh Hung, On alternative theorems and necessary conditions for efficiency, Optimization, 58 (2009), 49-62.
25Do Van Luu, Higher-order necessary and sufficient conditions for strict local Pareto minima in terms of Studniarski's derivatives, Optimization 57 (2008), 593 – 605.
26Do Van Luu, Pham Trung Kien, On higher-order conditions for strict efficiency, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 33 (2007),  N0 1, 17 - 31.
27Nguyen Manh Hung, Do Van Luu, On necessary conditions for efficiency in directionally differentiable optimization problems, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 12 (2007), 439 - 453.
28Do Van Luu, P. X. Trung, Theorems of the alternative for inequality-equality systems and optimality conditions, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 11 (2006), 21 - 35.
29Dang Hoa, Do Van Luu, On the stability of local minima in mathematical programming involving cone-constraints, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 31 (2005), 1 - 14.
30Do Van Luu, Nguyen Manh Hung, Invexity of constraint maps in mathematical programs. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 9 (2004), 289 - 304.
31Do Van Luu, L. M. Tung, B-preinvexity criteria and applications,Indian Journal of Mathematics, 45 (2003), 279 - 300.
32Do Van Luu, Nguyen Xuan Ha, Sufficient conditions for invexity, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 68 (2003), 113 - 125.
33Do Van Luu, P. T. Kien, Higher-order optimality conditions for isolated local minima. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 8 (2003), 35 - 48.
34Do Van Luu, P. T. Kien, Optimality conditions in terms of directional derivatives. East West Journal of Mathematics, 4 (2002), 119 - 136.
35Do Van Luu, D. Hoa, On the stability of local minima in nonsmooth mathematical programs. East West Journal of Mathematics, 4 (2002), 1 - 12.
36Do Van Luu, Le Minh Tung, Nonsmooth B-preinvex functionsActa Mathematica Vietnamica, 27 (2002), N0 1, 33 - 40.
37Nguyen Xuan Ha , Do Van Luu,  Invexity of supremum and infimum functions, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 65 (2002), 289 - 306.
38Do Van Luu, D. N. Quynh, On the Lagrangian conditions for a nonsmooth minimax, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 6 (2001). 157 - 169.
39Do Van Luu, Nguyen Xuan Ha, An invariant property of invex functions and applications, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 25 (2000), 181 - 193.
40Do Van Luu, Pham Trung Kien, Sufficient optimality conditions under invexity hypotheses, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 28 (2000), 227 - 236.
41B.D Craven, Do Van Luu, Perturbing convex multiobjective programs, Optimization 48 (2000), 391 - 407.
42Do Van Luu, Phan Huy Khai, Convex analysis (in Vietnamese) – Giải tích lồi. NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 2000, 236 trang.
43Do Van Luu, The theory of optimality conditions (in Vietnamese) – Lý thuyết các điều kiện tối ưu. NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1999, 186 trang.
44Do Van Luu, Lipschitz analysis (in Vietnamese) – Giải tích Lipschitz. NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1999, 162 trang.
45Do Van Luu, Functional analysis (in Vietnamese) - Giải tích hàm. NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1999, 278 trang.
46Do Van Luu, General topology (in Vietnamese) – Tô pô đại cương. NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật, Hanoi, 1998, 160 trang.
47B. D. Craven, Do Van Luu, Lagrangian conditions for a nonsmooth vector-valued minimax. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A), 65 (1998), 163 - 175.
48B. D. Craven, Do Van Luu, A method for establishing optimality conditions for a nonsmooth vector-valued problem. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 95 (1997), 295 - 304.
49B. D. Craven, Do Van Luu, Optimization with set-functions described by functions. Optimization 42 (1997), 39 - 50.
50Bruce Desmond Craven, Do Van Luu, Bevil Milton Glover, Strengthened invex and perturbation. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 43 (1996), 319 - 336.
51Do Van Luu, W. Oettli, Higher-order optimality conditions for a minimax. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 54 (1996), 509 - 516.
52B. D. Craven, Do Van Luu, Constrained minimax for a vector-valued function. Optimization 31 (1994), 199 - 208.
53Do Van Luu, On the Rockafellar derivative of marginal functions and applications. Acta Math. Vietnam. 18 (1993), 225 - 237.
54Do Van Luu, W. Oettli, Necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth minimax problems. Z. Anal. Anwendungen 12 (1993), 709 - 721.
55Do Van Luu, Necessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems governed by hemivariational inequalities. Acta Math. Vietnam. 17 (1992), 135 - 148.
56Do Van Luu, On necessary optimality conditions for discrete minimax problems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 16 (1991), 201 - 210.
57Do Van Luu, Sufficient optimality conditions for discrete minimax problems in the presence of constraints in Banach spaces. Acta Math. Vietnam. 15 (1990), 11 - 23.
58Do Van Luu, Regularity and sufficient optimality conditions for some classes of mathematical programming problems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 13 (1988), 87 - 95.
59Do Van Luu, Optimality conditions for discrete minimax problems in infinite - dimensional spaces. Tạp chí Toán học 16 (1988), 15 - 22 (in Vietnamese).
60Do Van Luu, An approach to sufficient optimality conditions in mathematical programming. In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 1987, 60 - 72.
61Do Van Luu, On sufficient optimality conditions under constraints. Tạp chí Toán học 15 (1987), No 1, 3 - 8 (in Vietnamese).
62Do Van Luu, On the first-order sufficient optimality conditions. Tạp chí Toán học 13 (1985), 13 - 18, (in Vietnamese).
63Do Van Luu, Some applications of the locally M-surjective mapping theorem. Tạp chí Toán học 12 (1984), 27 - 33 (in Vietnamese).
64Do Van Luu, Sufficient and necessary conditions for some general optimization problems. Acta Math. Vietnam. 7 (1982), 37 - 57.
65Do Van Luu, Sufficient and necessary conditions for optimization problems with inequality-type constraints. Tạp chí Toán học 10 (1982), 8 - 15 (in Vietnamese).
66Do Van Luu, Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimization problems. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, 1980, 94 p. (in Vietnamese).
67Do Van Luu, Sufficient conditions for optimality in Banach spaces. Tạp chí Toán học 8 (1980), 18 - 24 (in Vietnamese).
68Do Van Luu, Sufficient conditions for optimization problems under Lipschitz conditions. Tạp chí Toán học 8 (1980), 27 - 33 (in Vietnamese).
69Do Van Luu, Sufficient conditions for multiple constraint optimization problems and applications. Tạp chí Toán học 6 (1978), 7 - 18 (in Vietnamese).
70Do Van Luu, On the uniqueness of solution of the Cauchy problem for a infinite system of second-order parabolic equation with increasing coefficients. Tạp chí Toán học 1 (1973), 42 - 48 (in Vietnamese).