
Mini-course “Group cohomology and T-functor”

Time: 21/4 – 15/5/2014 (4 weeks)

For the first week: the lectures will be on Monday (21 Apr), Wednesday (23 Apr) and Friday (25 Apr) at 14:30-16:30.
(the schedule will be further updated soon).


Location: VIASM Lecture Hall (C2).

Lecturer: Prof. Jean Lannes, Université Paris Diderot


The main theme of the course will be the description of the interactions between:

- The theory of group cohomology ;

- The theory of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra.

I will state Quillen’s theorem describing mod p cohomology of finite groups up to nilpotents elements. I will prove this theorem after a long detour using the theory of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra developped in the 80′s to solve Sullivan’s conjecture. As a reward, we will obtain generalisations of Quillen’s theorem.

Text books

  1.  Henn, Hans-Werner, in Homotopy theoretic methods in group cohomology, Advanced Courses in Mathematics. CRM Barcelona, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2001.
  2. Schwartz, Lionel: Unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra and Sullivan’s fixed point set conjecture, Chicago Lectures in Mathematics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1994.



Please fill in the registration form below your contact information. Deadline for registration: 15/4/2014.

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