Research interests:


List of recent publications
1, Nguyễn Quang Thái, Sur deux problèmes d'affectation. (French) Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 4 1969 13–30.
2, Nguyễn Quang Thái, Two special problems of linear programming. (Russian) 1969 Mathematical Methods of Solution of Economic Problems (Suppl. to Ekonom. i Mat. Metody, Collection No. 1) (Russian) pp. 19–32 Izdat. "Nauka'', Moscow
3, N. Q. Thai, On two assigment problems. Ekonomika i Mat. Metody. Sbortnik 1968, 1 - 20 (in Russian).
4On linear inequalities. Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR 179:2 (1968), 293 - 296 (in Russian).
5Lý thuyết qui hoạch. NXB Khoa học, 1968 (in Vietnamese).
6Giải tích hiện đại. NXB Giáo dục, in lần thứ nhất 1968, lần thứ hai 1974, lần thứ ba 1978 (in Vietnamese).
7, Nguen Kuang Thaĭ , A new method of solution of a certain distribution problem. Èkonom. i Mat. Metody 3 (1967), 903–908.
8Sur le problème des contraintes supplémentaires en programmation linéaire et son application au problème de décomposition. (French) Elektron. Informationsverarbeit. Kybernetik 3 1967 141–156.
9Some theorems on network flows. In: Proceedings, Tihany Symposium on Theory of Graphs (1966), 173 - 184.
10Sur la méthode du gradient pour résoudre les programmes convexes. (French) Acta Sci. Vietnam. 2 1965 43–62.
11Sur quelques propriétés des réseaux et leurs applications. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys, 12 (1964), 415 - 418.
12Sur une classe de programmes nonlinéaires. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys 12 (1964), 213 - 215.
13Concave programming under linear constraints. Soviet Math. 5 (1964), 1437 - 1440.
14Graphs and transportation problems. Sibirskii Mat. Z 4:2 (1963), 426 - 446 (in Russian).
15Structure of measurable functions I. Math. Sbornik 53:4 (1961), 429 - 488 (in Russian).
16 Structure of measurable functions II. Math. Sbornik 54:2 (1961), 177 - 208 (in Russian).
17On the universal primitive function of Marcinkiewicz. Izvestja Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Math., 24 (1960), 617 - 628 (in Russian).
18 On the structure of measurable functions. Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR 126:1 (1959), 37 - 40 (in Russian).
19 On the symmetry of the contingency of the graph of a measurable function. Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR 126:5 (1959), 946 - 947 (in Russian).
1IMH20160901, Pham Thi Hoai, Monotonic Optimization for Sensor Cover Energy Problem
2IMH2014/05/01, Minimax and Generalized Ky Fan Inequality 1.
3IMH2013/04/01, Minimax and Fixed Point