Weekly Activities

Metastable limit theorems in chaotic dynamical systems near statistical bifurcation points
Speaker: Yushi Nakano (Tokai University, Japan)

Time: 10h, Tuesday 20 February

Venue: Room 507, Building A6

Abstract:A metastable state is a state which is not a real stable state, but can be observed for a long time. This is a concept that appears in several areas of natural science, like chemical kinetics, meteorology, neuroscience, etc. Some of these phenomena can be modeled as a dynamical system, but traditional dynamical systems theory was developed by analyzing behaviors of the system in the infinite time limit, so mathematical theory for understanding (non-trivial) dynamics on metastable time scales would be far from complete (although there are several important developments recently).

In this talk, I try to concentrate on a (famous) toy model dynamics, which is a piecewise expanding interval map without statistical stability (i.e. its "physical" invariant measure does not vary continuously under perturbations), to make the presentation of our idea/formulation transparent. Our results include central limit theorems and large deviation principles on metastable time scales. This is based on a joint work in progress with J. Atnip, C. Gonzalez-Tokman, G. Froyland, and S. Vaienti.
