Date and place.
Date: 25-27 July 2020
Place: Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam,
This workshop will be followed by the Asian Mathematical Conference 2020 (AMC-2020)
from 28-31 July 2020. You are strongly encouraged to participate to this big event.
On the afternoon of 27 July, there will be a shuttle bus to take participants directly to Ha Long, the venue of the AMC 2020.
A brief description of the topic of the workshop.
The satellite workshop will focus on the arithmetic of automorphic forms and their function field analogues. We also cover related topics such as Galois representations, Shimura varieties, moduli spaces of shtukas and analytic aspects of modular forms and automorphic forms
The purpose of the workshop will be to bring together both established and junior researchers from Asian countries to discuss recent developments in these fascinating themes and to encourage further research and future collaboration. One important aspect of the workshop will be to increase participation of junior researchers.
We plan to have 5 half-day sessions (50 minutes for long talks and 30 minutes for eventually short talks).