Công bố năm 1978

  1. Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, The structure of C*-algebras of type I, Vestnik Moskov. Uni., 1978, 81 - 87.
  2. Hà Huy Vui, Nguyễn Tự Cường, Nguyễn Sĩ Minh, Nguyễn Hữu Đức, A rostkax beskonechnoi opredelenosti. Acta Math. Vietmam. 3 (1978), 43 - 50.
  3. Tran Duc Van, Solvability of some nonlinear differential equations of infinite order. In: Proc. of USSR Summer School on Theory of Operator, Minsk, 1978, 159 - 160 (in Russian).
  4. Tran Duc Van, V. I. Korzuk and Mozolevskii , Transmission problems for some elliptic systems. In: Proc. of USSR conference on ``Theory of Partial Differential equations", MGU, Moscow, 1978, 215 - 217 (in Russian).
  5. Tran Duc Van, V. I. Korzuk, Normal solvability of transmission problems for elliptic equations. Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR, Ser. Math. 6 (1978), 30 - 36 (in Russian).
  6. Tran Duc Van, Boundary value problems for nonlinear degenerate ordinary differential equations of infinite order. Differ. Uravn. 14 (1978), 2002 - 2011; English transl.: Differential Equations 14 (1978).
  7. Tran Duc Van, Sobolev spaces of infinite order with weights in a layer and solvability of boundary value problem for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations. Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR 240 (1978), 794 - 797. English transl.: Soviet Math. Dokl. 19 (1978), 699 - 702.
  8. Do Long Van, On the word and conjugacy problems for some classes of finitely presented groups. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 241 (1978), 1005 - 1008. English Transl.: Soviet Math. Dokl. 19 (1978), 938 - 941.
  9. Do Long Van, N. Q. Toan, Quasimodules II. Kozl. 21 (1978), 86 - 100 (in Russian).
  10. Do Long Van, N. Q. Toan, Quasimodules I. Kozl. 21 (1978), 73 - 84 (in Russian).
  11. Do Long Van, N. Q. Toan, Quasimodules with unique root. Tap chi Toan hoc 6 (1978), 16 - 21 (in Vietnamese).
  12. Do Long Van, N. Q. Toan, Nilpotent quasimodules. Tap chi Toan hoc 6 (1978), 7 - 14 (in Vietnamese).
  13. Pham Canh Duong, Hoang Tuy, Stability, surjectivity and local invertibility of non differentiable mappings. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 89 - 105.
  14. Hoang Tuy, N. V. Thoai, Lê Dũng Mưu, A modification of Scarf's algorithm allowing restarting, Math. Oper. Stati. Ser. Optim. 9 (1978), 357 - 372.
  15. Hoang Tuy, N. V. Thoai, Lê Dũng Mưu, Un nouvel algorithme de point fixe. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 286 (1978), Ser. A, 783 - 785.
  16. Nguyen Van Thu, Multiply self-decomposable measures in generalized convolution algebras. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 26 (1978), 855–861.
  17. Nguyen Van Thu, Consistent random fields. In: Proc. of the National Center for Scientific Research of Vietnam 1978, 1 - 55 (in Vietnamese).
  18. Nguyen Van Thu, A. Weron, Examples of non-stationary Banach space valued processes of second order. In: Lecture Note in Math. 656 (1978), 171 - 181.
  19. Nguyễn Văn Thu,, Banach space valued Brownian motions. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 35 - 43.
  20. Lê Văn Thiêm, Hồ Văn Hoà, Sur certaines relations entre les coefficients binụmiaux. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 29 - 34 (in French).
  21. Do Hong Tan, Nguyen Anh Minh, Some fixed point theorems for mapping of contractive type. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 24 - 42.
  22. Do Hong Tan, On linear multivalued mappings. Tạp chí toán học 6 (1978), 1 - 6 (in Vietnamese).
  23. Do Hong Tan, Some remarks on fixed points and their continuity. Tạp chí toán học 6 (1978), 15 - 23 (in Vietnamese).
  24. Nguyễn Khoa Sơn, Controllability of dynamical systems in the presence of constraints on controls. Ph. D. Thesis, Kharkov University, 1978, Kharkov (in Russian).
  25. Nguyễn Khoa Sơn, Controllability of nonlinear systems with damped perturbations. Vestnik Kharkov Univ. 43 (1978), 21 - 34 (in Russian).
  26. Phạm Hữu Sách, Extremum conditions in linear abstract problems. Revue roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 23 (1978), 869 - 886 (in Russian).
  27. Phạm Hữu Sách, A support principle for a general extremum problem. Z. Vycisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. 18 (1978), 338 - 350 (in Russian).
  28. Hà Tiến Ngoạn, On the everaging problem for linear elliptic equations and systems with coefficients depending on a parameter. Ph. D. Thesis, Moscow State University, 1978, 117 pp. (in Russian).
  29. Nguyen Si Minh, Classification of Cauchy problems by their singularities. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 31 (1978), 781 - 784 (in Russian).
  30. Nguyen Si Minh, Singularities of the Cauchy problem. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 31 (1978), 688 - 691, (in Russian).
  31. Đỗ Văn Lưu, Sufficient conditions for multiple constraint optimization problems and applications. Tạp chí Toán học 6 (1978), 7 - 18 (in Vietnamese).
  32. Ngo Van Luoc , Summary representation formulas of parabolic equations with variable coefficients and filtration problem of petroleum. Tạp chí Toán học 6 (1978), 22 - 26, (in Vietnamese).
  33. Dinh The Luc, One remark on the realizability of singular cohomology groups. Math. Nachr. 82 (1978), 87 - 88.
  34. Hà Huy Khoái, p-adic interpolation and the Mellin-Mazur transform. Ph. D. Thesis, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow, 1978 (in Russian).
  35. Dinh Van Huynh and Alfred Widiger, Uber Ringe mit eingeschrọnkter Minimalbedingung hoherer Stufe fur Unterringe. Beitr. Alg. Geometr. 7 (1978), 7 - 12.
  36. Dinh Van Huynh and Alfred Widiger, Uber Ringe mit eingeschrọnkter Minimalbedingung hoherer Stufe fur Rechtsideale III. Math. Nachr. 86 (1978), 309 - 331.
  37. Dinh Van Huynh, Uber Ringe mit eingeschrọnkter Minimalbedingung hoherer Stufe fur Rechtsideale II. Math. Nachr. 86 (1978), 291 - 307.
  38. Le Hoi, On machines as living things. Acta Cybernetica 3(1978), 281 - 286.
  39. Hoang Dinh Dung, L. V. Thiêm và N. V. Lược, Một số vấn đề toán học trong chuyển động nước thấm. Đại học Tổng hợp Tp. Hồ Chí Minh , 1978 (in Vietnamese).
  40. Le Huu Dien, V. I. Shevchenko, Homotopic classification of Petrovski elliptic systems on the plane. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 238 (1978), 26 - 28, (in Russian).
  41. Le Huu Dien, Topological classification of general boundary problems for Petrovski elliptic systems on the plane. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 22 (1978), 877 - 880, (in Russian)
  42. Le Huu Dien, Homotopic classification of the Dirichlet problem for Petrovski elliptic systems with complex coefficients on the plane. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 22 (1978), 214 - 216, (in Russian).
  43. Peter Schenzel, Ngô Việt Trung, Nguyễn Tự Cường, Uber verallgemeinerte Cohen- Macaulay Moduln. Math. Nachr. 85 (1978),  57 - 73.
  44. Phan Van Chuong, , N. V. Chernicova, Version parametrique du théorème de Krein-Milmann et théorème de densité pour les applications multivoques. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 99 - 112.
  45. Phan Van Chuong, , N. V. Chernicova, On two variational problems on a two-dimensional torus. Acta Math. Vietnam. 3 (1978), 80 - 88 (in Russian).
  46. Phan Van Chuong, , N. V. Chernicova, On a theorem of smooth selection and its application to multivalued integral equations. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 105 (1978), 623 - 637 (in Russian).
  47. Nguyen Ngoc Chu, , N. V. Chernicova, Non-negative integer solutions of linear equations systems and some problems of integer linear programming. Oper. Res. Automat. Control Systems 12 (1978), 70 - 77.