Trung tâm Đào tạo sau đại học, Viện Toán học xin gửi lịch thi và danh sách tham dự xét tuyển vào lớp Cao học quốc tế 2014 cụ thể như sau:
I. Buổi 1: Thời gian: 9h00, thứ 5 ngày 4/9/2014
Danh sách tham dự xét tuyển buổi I như sau:

  1. Dương Giao Kỵ
  2. Nguyễn Thị Thuý Nga
  3. Trần Tiến Tâm
  4.  Bùi Thị Thuỷ
  5. Võ Thị Phương Thuỷ
  6. Trần Quang Tuệ.

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Autumn school: "Theoretical Computer Science" November 10-21, 2014, Hanoi
Time: from 10-21/11/2014.
Location: Institute of Mathematics Hanoi, VAST, 18 Hoàng Quốc Việt, Hà Nội, Tel: 04-37563474
Conference website:http://math.ac.vn/

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The school is a joint activity between the Institute of Mathematics and the Berlin Mathematical School. The lecturers comes from Berlin to held courses in important fields of mathematics for both German and Vietnamese Master students. The aim is to establish collaboration between German and Vietnamese mathematicians at an earlier stage. This activity is supported by the Einstein Foundation and the Institute of Mathematics. Everybody, who are interested in the teaching subjects, are invited to attend the courses.

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