Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 40:1 (2012)
Stability of Two-Step-by-Two-Step IRK
Methods Based on Gauss-Legendre Collocation
Points and an Application
Nguyen Huu Cong⋆⋆ and Nguyen Thu Thuy
Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and
Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai,
Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Received October 6, 2011
Revised February 3, 2012
Abstract. This paper investigates a class of
IRK-type methods for solving first-order stiff initial-value problems
(IVPs). The IRK-type methods are constructed by using coefficients of s-stage collocation Gauss-Legendre
IRK methods and other 2s-stage
collocation IRK methods. The collo-cation points used in the 2s-stage methods are chosen such
that at nth integration step,
their stage values can be used as the stage values of the associated
collocation Gauss-Legendre IRK methods for (n+2)th integration step. By this way we obtain the methods in
which the integration processes can be proceeded two-step-by-two-step. The
resulting IRK-type methods are called two-step-by-two-step IRK methods
based on Gauss-Legendre collocation points (TBTIRKG methods). Stability
considerations show that these TBTIRKG methods can be A-stable or $A(\alpha)$-stable which can be applied to stiff
IVPs with a fewer number of implicit relations that are to be solved in the
integr-ation process when compared with the traditional Gauss-Legendre IRK
methods. The stability inve-stigation results for TBTIRKG methods were
applied in considerations of the
asymptotic stability of a class of PC methods based on the TBTIRKG
2000 Mathematics
Subject Classification. 65L06, 65L20.
Implicit Runge-Kutta methods, stability.
⋆⋆Current address: School of Graduate
Studies, Vietnam National University, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi,
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology &
Vietnam Mathematical Society
Published by
Springer since January 2013