Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 40:1 (2012)
Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions Sharing
Rational Functions with Their First Derivatives
Feng Lü1 and Jianming Qi2
of Science, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao,
Shandong, 266580, P. R. China
2Department of Mathematical and Physics, Shanghai
Dianji University,
201306, P. R. China
Received May 5, 2010
Revised December 26,
Abstract. In this paper, by estimating the growth
of ρn in a
theorem of Pang and Zalcman, we obtain a uniqueness theorem of meromorphic
functions which share two distinct rational functions with their first
derivatives. It generalizes some previous related results of Rubel and
Yang, Li and Yi, Qi, Lü and Chen, and so on.
2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification. 30D35, 30D45.
Keywords. Meromorphic functions, Nevanlinna theory,
uniqueness, normal family, Marty’s criterion.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology &
Vietnam Mathematical Society
by Springer since January 2013