Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 36:4(2008)
Complemented Subspaces in L∞(D)
Namita Das
Abstract. In this paper we have shown that
the little Bloch space B0
cannot be complemented in B
and hence C( )
cannot be complemented in L∞(D). Further, we have obtained
some closed subspaces of L∞(D) that can be complemented in
L∞(D). As a consequence of these
results we have shown {Tϕ:
ϕ h∞(D)} can be complemented in L(La2) and {hϕ: ϕ h∞(D)} cannot be complemented in L(La2, ( )0).
Here Tϕ is the
Toeplitz operator on the Bergman space La2,
hϕ is the little
Hankel operator from La2
into ( 0
= { :
f(0) = 0} and h∞(D) is the space of bounded
harmonic functions on the unit disk D.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B35, 47B38.
Keywords: Complemented subspace, Toeplitz operators,
Hankel operators, Bergman space, Bloch space.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013