Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 36:3(2008)
On Strictly Generalized PP Rings
Banh Duc Dung and
Le Van Thuyet
Abstract. A ring R is called strictly
generalized right PP if for any nonzero element x R,
there exists a positive integer n
such that xn 0 and the right ideal xnR is projective. The class of strictly generalized
PP rings is a new class of generalized PP rings and contains PP rings. In
this paper, many properties of these rings are studied and some
characterizations of von Neumann regular rings and PP rings are extended.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16D50, 16D25,
Keywords: PP ring, generalized PP ring, strictly
generalized PP ring, P-injective module C2-ring, von Neumann regular ring.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013