Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 36:3(2008)
Block Modules
Jia-Feng Lü
Abstract. Let M be a weakly d-Koszul
module and let G(M) be its associated graded module.
We give some relations between the minimal projective resolutions of such M and G(M). Moreover, the
notion of d-Koszul block module
is introduced. For a perfect graded module M, we show that M is
a d-Koszul block module if and
only if the Koszul dual E(M) = ExtiA(M, A0), is
finitely 0-generated as a graded E(A) =
ExtiA(A0, A0) -module.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16E05, 16E40,
16S37, 16W50.
Keywords: d-Koszul
algebras, weakly d-Koszul
modules, d-Koszul block modules.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013