Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 35:2(2007)
The Degree of C0-sufficiency of Analytic Function Germs With
Respect to an Ideal
Pham Tien Son
Abstract. Let f: (C2,
0) -> (C, 0) be an
analytic function germ of two complex variables and let I be an ideal of C{x, y}. We give some
formulae for the degree of C0-sufficiency
of f with respect to I. When I is the maximal ideal we retrieve a result of T. C. Kuo and Y.
C. Lu.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 32C40, 58K40;
Secondary: 14H20, 32S05.
Keywords: C0-sufficiency,
Equisingularity, ยต-constant, Newton polygon.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013