Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 34:3(2006)
Solution to an Open Problem on the Integral
Sum Graphs
Shuchao Li, Huiling
Zhou, and Yanqin Feng
Abstract. The concept of the (integral) sum
graphs was first introduced by Harary (Congr. Number 72 (1990) 101;
Discrete Math. 124 (1994) 99). Let N*
denote the set of positive integers. The (integral) sum graph G+(S) of a finite subset S
N*(Z) is the graph (S, E) with uv S
if and only if u + v S.
A graph G is called an (integral)
sum graph if it is isomorphic to the (integral) sum graph G+(S) for some S N*(Z). In this paper we give a constructive
method to show that the odd cycles are regular integral sum graphs, which
extends the classes of integral sum graphs and completely solves an open
problem posed by Baogen Xu (Discrete Math. 194 (1999) 285-294).
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C38, 05C78.
Keywords: Odd cycle, integral sum graph.
by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & Vietnam Mathematical
by Springer since January 2013