Tra cứu tài liệu

Sách mới tháng 10/2013

  1. Hyslop, James M., Real variable, Oliver & Boyd, 1965
  2. Franklin, Philip, A Treatise on Advanced Calculus, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1940
  3. Kuiper, Nicolaas H., Linear algebra and geometry, North-holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam, 1962
  4. A.N. Whitehead, An introduction to mathematics, Oxford University Press, 1948
  5. Eddington, The mathematical theory of relativity, Cambridge At The University Press, 1937

6. Farmelo, Graham, The strangest man. The hidden life of Paul Dirac, quantum genius, Basic Books, 2009
7. Whittaker, E. T.,Treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. With an introduction to the problem of three bodies, Cambridge University Press, 1988
8. Milne, E. A.,Relativity Gravitation and World Structure, Oxford At The Clarendon Press, 1935
9. Birkhoff, Garrett, Lattice Theory, American Mathematical Society, 1948
10. Robert G. Bartle, Calculus, Scott, Foresman And Company, 1968
11. Bell, E. T.,The Development of Mathematics,Mcgraw-hill Book Company, Inc., 1940
12. Mirsky, L.,    An introduction to linear algebra, Oxford At The Clarendon Press, 1955
13. W. R. Westropp Roberts, Elliptic and hyperelliptic integrals and allied theory, Cambridge At The University Press, 1938
14. Carslaw, H. S., Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Oxford University Press,1941
15. Black, Max, The nature of mathematics: A critical survey, Littlefield, Adams & Co., Paterson, N.j., 1959
16. J. A. Anderson,    Real Analysis,    Logos Press Limited,    1962
17. D. A. Quadling,   Mathematical Analysis,    Oxford At The Clarendon Press, 1955
18. R. Braae,  Matrix algebra for electrical engineers, Isaac Pitman And Sons Ltd, 1963
19. E. J. Scott, Analytic functions,  Warszawa - Wroclaw , 1952
20. Johan C. H. Gerretsen, Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians 1954, North-holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1954
21. Verblunsky, S,  An Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a Real Variable, Oxford University Press, 1939
22. Johan C. H. Gerretsen, Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians 1954, North-holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam,1954
23. Johan C. H. Gerretsen, Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians 1954, North-holland Publishing Co., 1956
24. E. T. Copson, An introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable, Oxford At The Clarendon Press, 1935
25. Larsen, Ronald, The multiplier problem, Springer, 1969
26. Birkhoff, Garrett, A survey of modern algebra, Macmillan Co., New York, 1953
27. N. R. Culmore Dockeray, An elementary treatise on pure mathematics, G. Bell And Son Ltd,   1934
28. Mclachlan, N. W., Complex Variable and Operational Calculus with Technical Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1939
29. Paul A. Smith, Proceeding of the international congress of mathematicians 1950, American Mathematical Society, 1952
30. J. D. Weston, Some exercises in pure mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 1968
31. J. E. Littlewood, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Clarendon Press,1965
32. Schafer, Richard D., An introduction to nonassociative algebras, Academic Press,New York-london, 1966
33. Eugene R. Speer, Generalized Feynman Amplitudes, Princeton University Press,1969
34. Erhan Cinlar, Real and convex analysis, Springer, 2013
35. Penot, Jean-paul, Calculus without derivatives, Springer, 2013
36. Singer, Ivan, Duality for nonconvex approximation and optimization, Springer, 2006
37. Lucchetti, Roberto, Convexity and well-posed problems, Springer, 2006
38. Dieudonne, J., Foundations of modern analysis, Academic Press, 1960
39. Richard H Crowell, Calculus of vector functions, Prentice-hall, 1962
40. Stewart, Ian, Galois theory, Chapman And Hall, Ltd.,    1989
41. Jacobson, Nathan, Basic algebra. I, W. H. Freeman And Co., San Francisco, 1974
42. Theodore Chaundy, The differential calculus, Oxford At The Clarendon Press,    1935
43. Edwards, R. E., Fourier series: A modern introduction, Holt, Rinehard And Winston, Inc., 1967
44. Hyslop, J. M, Infinite Series, Oliver And Boyd, 1942
45. Aitken, A. C., Statistical Mathematics, Oliver And Boyd, 1939
46. Goffman, Casper, First course in functional analysis, Prentice-hall, Inc.,1965
47. Hoffman, Kenneth, Banach spaces of analytic functions, Prentice-hall, Inc., 1962
48. Draxl, P. K., Skew fields, Cambridge University Press, 1983
49. Goldie, Charles M., Communication theory, Cambridge University Press, 1991
50. R.c.buck, Studies in modern analysis, The Mathematical Association Of America, 1962
51. Erwin Freundlich, The Foundations of Einsteins theory of gravitation, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924
52. Odonnell, Sean, William Rowan Hamilton. Portrait of a prodigy, Boole Press, 1983
53. Coulson, C. A., Waves - A mathematical account of the common types of wave motion, Oliver And Boyd, 1941
54. Wong, Yau Chuen, The topology of uniform convergence on order-bounded sets, Springer, 1976
55. Whittaker, E. T., A course of modern analysis. An introduction to the general theory of infinite processes and of analytic functions; with an account of the principal transcendental functions, Cambridge University Press, 1996
56. Sneddon, Ian N., Special functions of mathematical physics and chemistry, Oliver And Boyd, 1956
57. Don R. Lick, The advanced calculus of one variable, Appleton-century-crofts, 1971
58. Robert C. Gunning, Problems in analysis. A symposium in honor of Salomon Bochner, Princeton University Press, 1970
59. Louis Toft, Practical Mathematics, London Sir Isaac Pitman And Sons, Ltd, 1940
60. Churchill, Ruel V., Modern Operational Mathematics in Engineering, Mcgraw-hill Book Co., Inc., 1944
61. Ramsey, Frank Plumpton, The foundations of mathematics and other logical essays, Littlefield, Adams & Co., Paterson, 1960
62. Mackey, George W., The scope and history of commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis, American Mathematical Society, 1992
63. H. S. Hall, M.a, Higher Algrbra, Macmilian And Co., Limited, 1936
64. J. A. Todd, Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicans, Cambridge At The University Press, 1960
65. John M. H. Olmsted, Basic concepts of calculus, Appleton-century-crofts, 1968
66. Porteous, Ian R., Clifford algebras and the classical groups, Cambridge University Press, 1995
67. Thomas M. Macrobert, Functions of a complex variable, Macmillan And Co., Limited, 1938
68. Einar Hille, Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians, American Mathematical Society, 1952
69. Finkbeiner, Daniel T., Introduction to matrices and linear transformations, W. H. Freeman And Co., San Francisco, 1966
70. Mirsky, L., Transversal theory. An account of some aspects of combinatorial mathematics, Academic Press, New York-london, 1971
71. Saunders Maclane, Algebra, The Macmilian Company, 1967
72. Gilbert Baumslag, Calculus, Quantum Publisgher, 1976
73. David Williams, Diffusions, Markov processes, and Martingales, John Wiley And Sons, 1979
74. John M. H. Olmsted,    Prelude to calculus and linear algebra, Appleton-century-crofts, 1968
75. A. S. Ramsey, Dynamics, Cambridge At The University Press, 1937
76. Hermann Weyl, The Classical Groups. Their Invariants and Representations, Princeton University Press, 1939
77. E. C. Titchmarsk, The theory of functions, Oxford University Press,    1939
78. Hamburger, H. L.,    Linear Transformations in n-Dimensional Vector Space. An Introduction to the Theory of Hilbert Space, Cambridge, At The University Press,1951
79. Burkill, J. C., A second course in mathematical analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1970
80. Whittaker, Edmund    From Euclid to Eddington. A Study of Conceptions of the External World, Cambridge University Press, 1949
81. Ball, W. W. Rouse, A short account of the history of mathematics, Dover Publications, Inc., 1960
82. Jacques Hadamard, The psychology of invention in the mathematical field, Dover Publications, 1947
83. J. W. N. Sullivan, The history of mathematics in Europe, Oxford University Press, 1924
84. A. A. Albert, Modern higher algebra, The University Of Chicago Press, 1939
85. E. J. Scott, Analytic functions, Warszawa, 1965
86. T. Estermann, Complex numbers and functions,The Athlone Press, 1962
87. Burnside. W.snow, Theory of equations: with an introduction to the theory of binary algebraic forms    London: Longmans, Green, & Co., Ltd, 1935
88. Zygmund. Antoni, Trigonometrical series, Warszawa, 1935
89. T. M. Macrobert, Spherical harmonics an elementary treatise on harmonic functions with applications, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927
90. A. J. Lohwater, Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences, The American Society For Quality Control, 1961