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Tên tạp chí Nguồn cung cấp
1. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg TTTL
2. Abstract and Applied Analysis Viện Toán
    Acta Arithmetica Viện Toán
3. Acta Mathematica TTTL
4. Acta Mathematica Hungarca TTTL
5. Acta Mathematica Scientia TTTL
6. Acta Numerica Viện Toán
7. Advances in Applied Mathematics TTTL
8. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification TTTL
9. Advances in Difference Equations TTTL
10. Advances in Mathematics TTTL
11. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Viện Toán
12. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
13. AI EDAM Viện Toán
14. Algebra and Number Theory Viện Toán
15. Algebras and Representation Theory TTTL
16. American Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
17. Analysis Mathematica TTTL
18. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare C) Non Linear Analysis TTTL
19. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata TTTL
20. Annals of Actuarial Science Viện Toán
21. Annals of Combinatorics TTTL
22. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry TTTL
23. Annals of Mathematical Logic 1970-1982) Internet
24. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic TTTL
25. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics TTTL
26. ANZIAM Journal Viện Toán
27. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis TTTL
28. Applied Mathematical Modelling TTTL
29. Applied Mathematics & Optimization TTTL
30. Applied Mathematics and Computation TTTL
31. Applied Mathematics Letters TTTL
32. Applied Mathematics Research eXpress Viện Toán
33. Applied Numerical Mathematics TTTL
34. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Viện Toán
35. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy ) Viện Toán
36. Architectural Research Quarterly Viện Toán
37. Archiv der Mathematik TTTL
38. Arkiv för Matematik TTTL
39. Asian journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
40. Asterisque Viện Toán TTTL
41. Automatica Viện Toán
42. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis Viện Toán
43. Bioinformatics Viện Toán
44. Biometrika Viện Toán
45. Biostatistics Viện Toán
46. Briefings in Bioinformatics Viện Toán
47. British Actuarial Journal Viện Toán
48. British Journal for the History of Science Viện Toán
49. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques TTTL
50. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Viện Toán
51. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin Viện Toán
52. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society TTTL
53. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Viện Toán
54. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations TTTL
55. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist Viện Toán
56. Combinatorica TTTL
57. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing Viện Toán
58. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Viện Toán
59. Communications in Analysis and Geometry Viện Toán
60. Communications in Information and Systems Viện Toán
   Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
61. Communications in Mathematical Analysis Viện Toán
62. Communications in Mathematical Sciences Viện Toán
63. Communications in Number Theory and Physics Viện Toán
64. Compositio Mathematica Viện Toán
65. Comptes Rendus Mathematique TTTL
66. Computational Geometry TTTL
67. Computational Optimization and Applications TTTL
68. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis TTTL
69. Computational Statistics TTTL
70. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1975-2008) Internet
71. Cryptography and Communications TTTL
72. Differential Equations TTTL
73. Differential Geometry and its Applications TTTL
74. Discrete Applied Mathematics TTTL
75. Discrete Mathematics 1971-2008) Internet
76. Discrete Optimization TTTL
77. Discrete  Mathematics TTTL
78. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations Viện Toán
79. EAS Publications Series Viện Toán
80. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Viện Toán
81. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations Viện Toán
82. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Viện Toán
83. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics Viện Toán
84. European Journal of Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
85. European Journal of Combinatorics TTTL
86. European Journal of Operational Research TTTL
87. European Physical Journal - Applied Physics Viện Toán
88. Experimental Mathematics Viện Toán
89. Expositiones Mathematicae 2001-2008) Internet
90. Extremes TTTL
91. Finance and Stochastics TTTL
92. Finite Fields and Their Applications TTTL
93. Fixed Point Theory and Applications TTTL
94. Forum of Mathematics, Pi Viện Toán
95. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma Viện Toán
96. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis TTTL
97. Frontiers of Mathematics in China TTTL
98. Functiones et Approximatio Viện Toán
99. Fuzzy Sets and Systems TTTL
100. General Topology and its Applications 1971-1979) Internet
101. Geometriae Dedicata TTTL
102. Geometric And Functional Analysis TTTL
103. Glasgow Mathematical Journal Viện Toán
104. Graphs and Combinatorics TTTL
105. Historia Mathematica 1974-2008) Internet
106. Hokkaido Mathematical Journal Viện Toán
107. Homology, Homotopy and Applications Viện Toán
108. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
109. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics Viện Toán
110. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information Viện Toán
111. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Viện Toán
112. Indagationes Mathematicae 1990-2008) Internet
113. Indagationes Mathematicae Proceedings) 1969-1989) Internet
114. Information and Computation 1987-2008) Internet
115. Information and Control 1957-1986) Internet
116. Integral Equations and Operator Theory TTTL
117. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1987-2008) Internet
118. International Mathematics Research Notices Viện Toán
119. Internet mathematics Viện Toán
120. Inventiones Mathematicae TTTL
121. ITNOW Viện Toán
122. Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 1997-2008) Internet
123. Journal of Algebra TTTL
124. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics TTTL
125. Journal of Algorithms TTTL
126. Journal of Applied Logic TTTL
127. Journal of Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
128. Journal of Approximation Theory TTTL
129. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization TTTL
130. Journal of Combinatorial Theory 1966-1970) Internet
131. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A TTTL
132. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B TTTL
133. Journal of Combinatorics Viện Toán
134. Journal of Commutative Algebra Viện Toán
135. Journal of Complexity TTTL
136. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics TTTL
137. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1967-2008) ) Internet
138. Journal of Convex Analysis Viện Toán
139. Journal of Cryptology TTTL
140. Journal of Differential Equations TTTL
141. Journal of Differential Geometry Viện Toán
142. Journal of Discrete Algorithms 2003-2008) Internet
143. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems TTTL
144. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations TTTL
145. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications TTTL
146. Journal of Fluid Mechanics Viện Toán
147. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications TTTL
148. Journal of Functional Analys TTTL
149. Journal of Functional Programming Viện Toán
150. Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications Viện Toán
151. Journal of Geometric Analysis TTTL
152. Journal of Geometry TTTL
153. Journal of Global Optimization TTTL
154. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications Viện Toán
155. Journal of Logic and Computation Viện Toán
156. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications TTTL
157. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms TTTL
158. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education TTTL
159. Journal of Mechanics Viện Toán
160. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1971-2008) ) Internet
161. Journal of Multivariate Analysis TTTL
162. Journal of Noncommutitive Geometry JNCG) Viện Toán
163. Journal of Number Theory Viện Toán
164. Journal of Operator Theory Viện Toán
165. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications TTTL
166. Journal of Physical Mathematics Viện Toán
167. Journal of Plasma Physics Viện Toán
168. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra TTTL
169. Journal of Scientific Computing TTTL
170. Journal of Spectral theory JSt Viện Toán
171. Journal of Symbolic Computation 1985-2008) Internet
172. Journal of Symplectic Geometry Viện Toán
173. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Viện Toán
174. Journal of the European Mathemtical Society JEMS) Viện Toán
175. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu Viện Toán
176. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society TTTL
177. Journal of the London Mathematical Society Viện Toán
178. Journal of Theoretical Probability TTTL
179. Journal of Topology Viện Toán
180. Jstor Viện Toán
181. Knowledge Engineering Review Viện Toán
182. Kodai Mathematical Journal Viện Toán
183. Kyoto Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
184. Law, Probability and Risk Viện Toán
185. Lifetime Data Analysis TTTL
186. Linear Algebra and its Applications TTTL
187. Logic Journal of the IGPL Viện Toán
188. Manuscripta mathematica TTTL
189. Mathematical and Computer Modelling TTTL
190. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA Viện Toán
191. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research TTTL
192. Mathematical Modelling 1980-1987) Internet
193. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena Viện Toán
194. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Viện Toán
195. Mathematical Programming TTTL
196. Mathematical Programming Computation TTTL
197. Mathematical Research Letters Viện Toán
198. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Viện Toán
199. Mathematics and Financial Economics TTTL
200. Mathematika Viện Toán
201. Mathematische Annalen TTTL
202. Mathematische Zeitschrift TTTL
203. Mechanics & Industry Viện Toán
204. Methods and Applications of Analysis Viện Toán
205. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Viện Toán
206. Natural Language Engineering Viện Toán
207. Nihonkai Mathematical Journal Viện Toán
208. NoDEA : Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications TTTL
209. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications TTTL
210. Notre Dame Journal of formal Logic Viện Toán
211. Numerische Mathematik TTTL
212. Operations Research Letters TTTL
213. Optimization and Engineering TTTL
214. Optimization Letters TTTL
215. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica TTTL
216. Philosophia Mathematica Viện Toán
217. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Viện Toán
218. Probability Theory and Related Fields TTTL
219. Proceedings of the AMS Viện Toán
220. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Viện Toán
221. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Viện Toán
222. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics Viện Toán
223. Proceedngs of the International Astronomical Union Viện Toán
224. Publications Matema`tiques Viện Toán
225. Publications Mathématiques de L'IHÉS TTTL
226. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Viện Toán
227. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly Viện Toán
228. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems TTTL
229. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics Viện Toán
230. RAIRO - Operations Research Viện Toán
231. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications Viện Toán
232. Real Analysis Exchange Viện Toán
233. Review of Modern Logic Viện Toán
234. Review of Symbolic Logic Viện Toán
235. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana Viện Toán
236. Robotica Viện Toán
237. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
238. Science of Computer Programming 1981-2008) Internet
239. Selecta Mathematica, New Series TTTL
240. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis TTTL
241. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems Viện Toán
242. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
243. SIAM Journal on Computing Viện Toán
244. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Viện Toán
245. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics Viện Toán
246. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Viện Toán
247. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Viện Toán
248. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Viện Toán
249. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Viện Toán
250. SIAM Journal on Optimization Viện Toán
251. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Viện Toán
252. SIAM Review Viện Toán
253. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes TTTL
254. Statistical Methodology TTTL
255. Statistical Methods & Applications TTTL
256. Statistics & Probability Letters TTTL
257. Statistics and Computing TTTL
258. Statistics and its Interface Viện Toán
259. Statistics in Biosciences TTTL
260. Stochastic Processes and their Applications TTTL
261. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA Viện Toán
262. The Computer Journal Viện Toán
263. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 2001-2008) Internet
264. The Journal of Logic Programming 1984-2008) Internet
265. The Mathematical Intelligencer TTTL
266. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
267. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Viện Toán
268. The Ramanujan Journal TTTL
269. Theoretical Computer Science 1975-2008) Internet
270. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Viện Toán
271. Theory of Probability and Its Applications Viện Toán
272. Tohoku Mathematical Journal Viện Toán
273. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán
274. Topology TTTL
275. Topology and its Applications TTTL
276. Transactions of the AMS Viện Toán
277. Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society Viện Toán
278. Transformation Groups TTTL
279. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics Viện Toán