Two Applications of the Limiting Subdifferentials Revisited (cont.)
Speaker:Nguyễn Đông Yên

Time: 9h00, 02/04/2014

Location: Room 4, Building A14, Institute of Mathematics, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi

Abstract: This talk is based on a joint paper of Dr. Nguyen Mau Nam and the speaker. The concepts of limiting subbdifferential and singular subbdifferential have been used to characterize the local Lipschitz continuity property and the strict differentiability property of extended-real-valued functions.  Our paper revisits these applications by adding some new results, remarks, and examples. The questions as to which extent the limiting subbdifferentials can identify a lower semicontinuous function and its strict differentiablity properties will be discussed in detail.
