Phong Thi Thu Huyen


Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Research interests: Optimization and Computational Geometry

Office: Building A5, Room 212, Institute of Mathematics, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay Ha Noi
Tel: +84 (024)37563474/212
Email: ptthuyen AT

Education and academic degrees

  • 2011: Bachelor, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
  • 2013: Master, University of Limoges, France
  • 2022: PhD. Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam

Research areas: Optimization, Computational Geometry, Image processing, Numerical analysis.

List of recent publications
1Phan Thanh An, Phong Thi Thu Huyen, Nguyen Thi Le, A modified Graham’s convex hull algorithm for finding the connected orthogonal convex hull of a finite planar point set, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 397 (2021), 125889, (SCI-E, Scopus).
2Nguyễn Ngọc Hải, Phan Thanh An, Phong Thi Thu Huyen, Shortest paths along a sequence of line segments in Euclidean spaces, Journal of Convex Analysis, 26 (4) (2019) (Scopus, SCI(-E)).