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15 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
Hình học đại số thực và tối ưu đa thức
Người trình bày: PGS. Hà Huy Vui

13 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
Tối ưu tổ hợp: một cầu nối giữa tổ hợp và đại số
Người trình bày: Gs. Ngô Việt Trung

07 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Differentiation by integration using orthogonal polynomials
Người trình bày: Gs. Tom H. Koornwinder, trường đại học Amsterdam

24 - 6
26 - 8

Colloquium Lecture
Các chất lỏng lượng tử và lỗ đen
Người trình bày: Gs. Đàm Thanh Sơn.

07 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
Decomposition of Monotone of Inclusion Problems: Algorithms and Applications
Người trình bày: Gs. P.L. Combettes

09 - 12

Colloquium Lecture
What is Commutative Algebra? A brief history based on the work of Emmy Noether
Người trình bày: Gs. Shiro Goto, Đại học Meiji , Nhật Bản

10 - 2

Colloquium Lecture
Classical Groups and Branching Laws
Speaker: Prof. ZHU CHENGBO, National University of Singapore

16 - 3
30 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
A new scalarizing approach and vector quasi-equilibrium problems
Speaker:Phạm Hữu Sách

03 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
Complex hypersurface singularities and mixed singularities, an introduction
Speaker: Prof. Mutsuo Oka, Tokyo University of Science

04 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
A general estimate for the d-bar-neumann problem
TS Trần Vũ Khanh (Đại học Tân Tạo) và TS Bùi Trọng Kiên (Đại học Xây dựng Hà Nội)

08 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Một số vấn đề về phát triển toán học
Người trình bày: GS.Hoàng Tụy

22 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Lý thuyết biểu diễn nhóm và các ứng dụng
Người trình bày: GS. Phạm Hữu Tiệp, Đại học Arizona

18 - 1

Colloquium Lecture
On statistical description of turbulence
Speaker: Prof. Yoshifumi Kimura, Nagoya University

01 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
A Combinatorial Game on Graphs allowing to visit some chapters of algebra in an elementary way
Speaker: Prof. ROBERT CORI, Bordeaux 1 University

24 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
Asymptotic Behavior of Individual Orbits of Discrete Systems
Speaker: Prof. Nguyễn Văn Minh

28 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Simultaneous solutions of matrix and operator Sylvester equations
Speaker. Prof. Vũ Quốc Phóng, Ohio University

11 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
Noncommutative hyperbolic space and the star representation of SL(2, R)
Speaker: Prof. Yoshiaki Maeda, Keio University, Japan

14 - 2

Colloquium Lecture
Can you play a fair fame of craps with a loaded pair of dice?
Speaker: Prof. Ian Morrison, Fordham University, USA

07 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
Laplace Equations and the Weak Lefschetz Property
Speaker: Prof. Rosa Miró-Roig (University of Barcelona, Spain)

07 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
Mathematics in Barcelona
Speaker: Prof. J. Elias, University of Barcelona, Spain

18 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
Phase transitions and Minimal surfaces

09 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
Beauty of Mathematics
Spekaer: Professor Boris Mordukhovich (Department of Mathematics, The Wayne State University, Detroit, U.S.A.)

30 - 7

Colloquium Lecture
The proof of Po'sa - Seymour Conjecture
Spekaer: Prof. E. Szemeredi (Abel Prize winner (2012)), Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathemastics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Computer Sciences, Rutgers University.

12 - 9

Colloquium Lecture
Recollections on the development of mathematics in France in the 1960's
Spekaer: Professor Luc Illusie, Universite Paris-Sud

10 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
The weighted log canonical threshold
Speaker: Pham Hoang Hiep

24 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
Polynomial functors in algebra and topology
Speaker: L. Schwartz, Univ. Paris 13, France

28 - 8

Colloquium Lecture
From linear recurrences to non-archimedean geometry
Speaker: Prof. F. Loeser, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France

24 - 9

Colloquium Lecture
Speaker: Prof. Neal Koblitz (University of Washington, Department of Mathematics)

15 - 1

Colloquium Lecture
Homotopy invariants of manifolds: from H.Poincaré to nowadays
Speaker: Prof. A.S.Mishchenko, Lomonosov Moscow State University

08 - 4

Colloquium Lecture
The equilibrium problem: a unified approach to optimization, minimax problems (game theory), variational inequalities and other interesting problems.
Speaker: Prof. Gabor Kassay, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

27 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
Physics and Mathematics
Speaker: GS. Pierre Darriulat, Department of Astrophysics of the Vietnam National Satellite Centre, VAST

19 - 8

Colloquium Lecture
Defect profiles in nematic liquid crystals: 2d vs 3d
Speaker: Prof. Nguyen Luc, Oxford University, UK

07 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
The Habiro ring, Lie algebras, and invariants of 3-manifolds
Speaker: Prof. Le Tu Quoc Thang

10 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
How convexity links geometry and nonlinear analysis
Speaker: Prof. Juergen Jost, MPI for Mathematics in Sciences

26 - 5

Colloquium Lecture
D-modules and $p$-curvature
Speaker: Prof. H. Esnault, Freie Univ. Berlin, Germany

16 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Convexity in symplectic geometry and integrable Hamiltonian systems
Speaker: Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France

17 - 11

Colloquium Lecture
On the classification of algebraic varieties
Speaker: Professor S. Mori (Fields Medalist, President of the IMU)

01 - 12

Colloquium Lecture
On traffic modeling and the Braess paradox
Speaker: Prof. Helge Holden (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

19 - 1
19 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
Very weak solutions to wave equation
Speaker: Prof. Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College, London)

19 - 10

Colloquium Lecture
Topology of 4-Manifolds-How to construct 4-Manifolds
Speaker: Prof. Jongil Park (Seoul National University)

14 - 12

Colloquium Lecture
BICMR-IMH Colloquium in Mathematics
Friday, December 14, 2018

21 - 12

Colloquium Lecture
Quantum Computing and Cryptography
Speaker: Professor Neal Koblitz (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

25 - 12
01 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
From continuous rational to regulous functions
Speaker: Prof. Krzysztof Kurdyka (Université Mont Blanc)

22 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
Self-avoiding walk, spin systems, and renormalization
Speaker: Professor Gordon Slade (University of British Columbia)

22 - 3

Colloquium Lecture
How accurate are solutions of optimal control problems?
Speaker: Professor Arnd Ro"sch (Universita"t Duisburg-Essen)

07 - 6

Colloquium Lecture
Algebraic structures for topological summaries of data
Speaker: Professor Ezra Miller, Duke University