Aim of the event

A neutral Tannakian category over a field k is a rigid k-linear abelian tensor category C whose unit  1 satisfies End(1) = k (isomorphic), and is moreover equipped with a fibre functor. The central result about Tannakian duality is that every Tannakian category is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional representations of group scheme over k, which is unique up to isomorphism. In this workshop,  by starting from basic notions in category theory,  we will study Tannakian duality. Besides, we will study the relationship between Tannakian theory, Hodge theory and Differential Galois theory.

Keyword:. Neutral Tannakian category,  Representations of group scheme over k; Tannankian Duality, Galois category, Differential Galois theory, Nori's fundamental group, Hodge theory