In this school, we aim at introducing beginning graduate students to algebraic geometry through specific and central themes of the theory. Instead of developing abstract material from the ground, we shall concentrate on obtaining a general picture of the following themes:
By relying often on complex manifolds and leaving generality to the side, this school will equip the student with the basic reflexes and mental pictures necessary for understanding some of the most beautiful theories joining algebra and geometry.
More specifically, algebraic curves form an especially rich and accessible class of algebraic varieties. Their theory has its own specific features, and involves Jacobian varieties in an essential way. In turn, Jacobian varieties are classical and important examples of abelian varieties. These feature prominently in algebraic geometry, for their own sake and via geometric constructions such as those of the Picard and Albanese varieties. Algebraic groups provide a natural setting to the theory of Jacobian varieties and their generalizations, for example to singular curves; they also have great interest on their own.
Schedule: October 31-November 11, 2022
We shall have 4 courses, each having 10 hours of lectures + 5 hours tutorial.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 7384 7104
Lecturers and tutors
Participants: The school aims at postgraduate students (masters and PhDs) and senior undergraduate students from all over Vietnam as well as the neighboring countries.
Mode of the school is hybrid: online and offline.
Financial support: Depending on the budgets, we will offer financial support covering full or partial expenses for the students to participate in the school, including: travel expenses, lodging and meals. No participation fees are required.
To apply for the support please fill out the form and provide your (temporary) academic records and a letter of recommendation.