Nguyễn Văn Châu


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Liên hệ
Phòng làm việc: 103, Nhà A5
Điện thoại: +84 24 37563474 / 103
Email: nvchau AT

Lý lịch khoa học

Năm sinh: 1955

Nơi sinh: Hà nội

Qúa trình đào tạo

  • 1982: Đại học Tổng hợp Hà nội
  • 1988: Tiến sĩ, Viện Toán học, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • 2004: Phó giáo sư

Các lĩnh vực quan tâm: Lý thuyết Kỳ dị, Hình học Đại số, Hệ động lực


Danh sách trong Mathscinet

Danh sách gần đây
1Nguyễn Văn Châu, Jacobian Conjecture as a Problem on Integral Points on Affine Curves, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 50 (2022), pages 195–204, (Scopus).
2Nguyễn Văn Châu, Jacobian Pairs of Two Rational Polynomials are Automorphisms, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 42 (2014), 401-406, Scopus.
3Nguyễn Văn Châu, A note on the plane Jacobian conjecture, Annales Polonici Mathematici, 105 (2012), 13 -- 19, SCI(-E); Scopus.
4Nguyễn Văn Châu, Pencils of irreducible rational curves and plane Jacobian conjecture,  Annales Polonici Mathematici  101 (2011), 47 -- 54, SCI(-E); Scopus.
5Nguyễn Văn Châu, Plane Jacobian conjecture for simple polynomials, Ann. Polon. Math. 93 (2008), N0 3, 247 - 251, preprint arXiv:0711.3894.
6Carlos Gutierrez, Nguyễn Văn Châu, A remark on an eigenvalue condition for the global injectivity of differentiable maps of ${\Bbb R}^2$, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 17 (2007), 397 - 402.
7Nguyễn Văn Châu, A note on singularity and non-proper value set of polynomial maps of $\Bbb C^2$, Acta Math. Vietnam. 32 (2007), 287 - 294.
8Ronen Peretz, Nguyễn Văn Châu, Carlos Gutierrez, L. Andrew Campbell, Iterated images and the plane Jacobian conjecture, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 16 (2006), N0 2, 455 - 461, preprint arXiv:math/0411245.
9Nguyễn Văn Châu, Integer points on a curve and the plane Jacobian problem, Ann. Polon. Math. 88 (2006), 53 - 58.
10Nguyễn Văn Châu, On nonsingular polynomial maps of $\Bbb R^2$, Ann. Polon. Math. 88 (2006),193 - 204.
11Nguyễn Văn Châu, Note on the Jacobian condition and the non-proper value set, Ann. Polon. Math. 48 (2004), 203 - 210.
12Nguyễn Văn Châu, Two remarks on non-zero constant Jacobian polynomial maps of C^2. Ann. Polon. Math. 82 (2003), 39 - 44.
13Nguyễn Văn Châu, Carlos Goutierrez, Properness and the Jacobian conjecture in R^2Vietnam J. Math. 31 (2003), 421 - 427.
14Nguyễn Văn Châu, A simple proof of Jung's theorem on polynomial automorphisms of C^2Acta Math. Vietnam. 28 (2003), 209 - 214.
15Nguyễn Văn Châu, Polynomial maps of the complex plane with the branched value sets isomorphic to the complex line, Acta Math. Vietnam. 27 (2002), 197 - 202.
16Nguyễn Văn Châu, D. P. Nga, On triangularizable polynomial automorphisms. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 155 (2001), 305 - 308.
17Nguyễn Văn Châu, Non-zero constant Jacobian polynomial map of C2. Ann. Polon. Math. LXXI (1999), 287 - 310.
18Nguyễn Văn Châu, A remark on Vitushkin's covering. Acta Math. Vietnam. 24 (1999), 109 - 115.
19Nguyễn Văn Châu, Global attractor of a differetial autonomous system on the plane. Ann. Polon. Math. LXIL. 2 (1995), 143 - 154.
20Nguyễn Văn Châu, A sufficient condition for bijectivity of polynomial maps on the real plane. Acta Math. Vietnam. 18 (1993), 396 - 399.
21Nguyễn Văn Châu, Phan Huy Khai, Pursuit problem without discrimination of object in linear differential games. Acta Math. Vietnam. 18 (1993), 178 - 191.
22Nguyễn Văn Châu, Phan Huy Khai, Problem of pursuit in linear discrete games with state information. Acta Math. Vietnam. 14 (1989), 29 - 38.
23Nguyễn Văn Châu, On controllability of linear systems and pursuit problem without discrimination of object in linear games. Ph. D. Thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam, 1988 (in Vietnamese).
24Nguyễn Văn Châu, Phan Huy Khai, On controllabilities of linear discrete systems with restrained controls and the pursuit process in linear discrete games. Acta Math. Vietnam. 10 (1985), 58 - 74.
Tiền ấn phẩm
1IMH20200605, Nguyễn Văn Châu, The density of images of unit jacobian determinant polynomial maps of \mathbb R^.
2IMH2015/02/01, Nguyễn Văn Châu, Siegel's theorem on integral points and the Jacobian conjecture over the rational fiels